6 months, 27 days. And Brooke will be 20 years old. In Thailand a 20 year old is suddenly an adult. Not a moment before. And suddenly, what will she do? Where will she go? If she were alone in the world she would walk out of the orphanage with no where to go and no one to go to. It wouldn't be long though, before someone snatched her up! She would likely become a prostitute or some other similar sort of slave. Her life expectance would be shortened, either by violence or disease.
But Brooke is not alone in the world. There are so many people who care about her! I want to step outside and scream "Brooke! I'm coming! Dad and I are coming!" So soon too! But so far away. I can handle how far away when I think of time. The ones that are driving me insane are money and Visa.
We don't know what Visa to apply for. We don't know when we should apply for it. It's nearly $400 for the one we think will work for her. Another $400 for the waiver. Then how will we get there? How will we get her home?
If we choose a certain path and it's the wrong one, we've just wasted so much time and money. What a gamble we're taking just in considering the type of Visa to apply for! My chest constricts and it becomes hard to breathe when I think of any of the things that could go wrong here.
We are interested in fundraisers but we can't do this all on our own. Esther is helping with one and we are so excited she's sacrificing so much for us! What a caring and compassionate person she is and I thank God for her being a part of our lives.
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