This week so far has proven helpful in keeping my mind occupied. I almost let it by me that the native land tour was over on Sunday. But I'd like to think I am too sharp to let things by me so easily. Wellllll.....maybe "sharp" isn't the right word to properly portray me LOL!!!
The family in Thailand now has "adopted" their son. It isn't an official adoption until after 6 months of being home. Then the Thai government sends finalization paperwork. I'm so excited for them! Can't wait to hear all about it when they get home. They have a blog they've been updating everyone with and it's been interesting to read about their adoption journey. So many thoughts and feelings go into an adoption! And there are so many questions with no many people involved who need to say goodbye when you take the child home with you.
I was recently told about a situation that made my heart weep. A certain foster parent was hurt badly by a family who took their "adopted" toddler from her the very same day they met him. He was apparently screaming and afraid and didn't want to leave yet and they just took him. The foster mother wanted so badly to have one more night with the child she had cared for for so long. My heart just sobbed for this woman. We had planned to let Nok choose when she wanted to go. We can wait to take her.....we'll have her for the rest of our lives! But, her foster mother will have to say goodbye. The family that is there adopting their teenage son let him choose and he chose to go with them the same day. They did go back for visits before they left for Bangkok and I think that was helpful for everyone involved. We're more than willing to take our time when it comes to new adventures and frontiers and saying goodbye to the old ones. It's a scary world when you're a teenager jumping into something new. I couldn't imagine leaving my home, my country, my people, everything I have always known to move with a family I just met that very day to a country I have never even dreamed of going to! Frightening, upsetting, frustrating, and sorrowful. Given the situation and how much I love trying everything there is to try in the world, I would go. But not without a heavy heart and the weight of the world on my shoulders. I would grieve and not be able to speak for a day or two until I set it in my mind to make it work, to make the best of the situation. And I hope that's what Nok does. Grieve when she needs to, and love us as her new and permanent family.
I feel a bit melancholy today for some reason. Must be the weather, or maybe hearing about the toddler, and foster mother who is mourning his loss. Just as I start to doubt God, doubt His presence in my life and surroundings, He's there again. Lifting me up and holding me close. Some exciting things happend this week that refreshed my faith. Alot of you reading this know that I started a website to sell my photography. You can go to to see my work. Anyway, I have shown my work at the county fair for years upon years and have won tons of ribbons for places 3 through 6th hahahah! But in the last several years I had gotten used to seeing those first place ribbons. I had decided that since I will be selling my work professionally this would be the last year I would show my work at the county fair. It wouldn't be fair to others for me to continue (and our fair doesn't have a professional category anyway). I told my Creator and the ultimate Creator of my work that I would really like to win Grand Champion since it's my last year. Welllll....I didn't win Grand Champion, the competition was pretty stiff, but at the last moment....just when I knew all hope was lost....I was awarded not only First Place and Class Champion, but Reserve Overall Champion as well!!!!!!!! I was so excited I forgot myself and stood up and screamed and started crying. I know it sounds silly now when I think about it, but the emotions I experienced were incredible! Everything from doubt to triumph crossed my features and I will never forget that moment. I praised my Creator for making such beautiful live artwork in the world for me to take pictures of. Every morning He paints a sunrise just for me and every evening He paints a sunset for me as well. During the course of the day He brings birds to sing to me and flowers to delight my eyes! And those are just a few of the things He does for us all.
In addition to that small distraction, we'll be picking up an exchange student this afternoon and we'll have her for almost 2 weeks. It'll be an excellent way to pull my thoughts away from the gloom of waiting to travel to Thailand. Ever present in my mind is the child I have yet to meet.....a part of me half a world away (plus one hour). I read this poem once and it branded itself into my mind. I want to share it with you. Whoever wrote this was a person who felt the ultimate joy of adopting a child.....something a great deal of the world should experience if they are at all able or so inclined.
Not flesh of my flesh
Nor bone of my bone,
But still miraculously my own.
Never think for a single minute
You didn't grow under my heart -
But in it!
1 comment:
Just wanted you to know that I was here and read.
Just keep writing and praying.
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