Thursday, August 10, 2006

Moving at a slug's pace

Yep, something is happening. We don't really know when it will happen but i'm just thrilled we are moving toward the shore of the stagnant adoption pond. After feeling like i've been running in circles for months I finally stopped, rubbed some sticks together, and lit a fire. What's on the BBQ, you ask? Social Workers, Adoption workers, and Agency Directors. If it were any other situation in life I would probably laugh at everyone around me but it's really not funny at all. Naturally, I can't help but smile though. Back on July 31st our worker was supposed to call the Thai social worker in charge of our case. She didn't call. Of course, we waited all week and couldn't stand waiting any longer before I finally emailed her on Friday. I heard something like this "No, I didn't call....blah blah blah....." and after hearing she didn't call I blocked everything else out and was a bit ticked. I think she knew that. So, she assured me she would call this week and we assumed she meant Wednesday. I have said since my teenage years being influenced by my dear old Dad "Miracles never cease!" She called! I guess they are especially concerned about not getting the appropriate paperwork yet so the director of Social Services is going to the orphanage to get it herself. THE DIRECTOR!!!! Wow. It must be serious because I was lead to believe this has never happened. We were assured of course that it would be September before the paperwork made it into the correct hands and onto us. Looks like October will be our travel month. (Huge Sigh). The worker made certain we knew it could be a matter of a couple weeks or it could be a matter of a couple months. But, at least something is happening! The pace of a slug....a snail, a least it's a step forward. I did learn that we've been matched. At some point someone matched our family and Nok and it was awesome to hear the words "Yes, you ARE matched" and I laughed. I suddenly felt lighthearted. I felt a connection and I hope Nok feels it too. Cody smiled at me because I was happy and she knew we'd just heard something good. After all the hoops we've jumped through, all the time we've waited, it was good to hear our daughter is only half a world away......

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